Sunday 26 June 2011

Tutorial 1 ( Selection )

Welcome to the first step of my journey. The first destination is the adobe photoshop selection process. I will show you how to select the images that you want from the raw images.

First of all, you need to search for raw images from the web. These are the raw images that I selected :
The FOM building

A graduate

Graduate hat

a degree

MMU logo
Now we will proceed to the selection.

Let's start with the FOM building. First, open the file or the image using Adobe Photoshop. Then, use the rectangular marquee tool (second top left menu) select the area you want to select by simply clicking and dragging on the image.

Then, click on the magic wand tool (fourth top left menu) and click on the areas that you don't want to have in your selection. This process might need some patience so be careful and the result will be something like this.

Next, just click on the move tool ( first top left menu ) and move it to a new clipboard and you will have something like this.

Allright, we are done with the FOM building selection so we will now move on to the graduate image. Open the image just like what we did for the FOM building.

Next, use the rectangular marquee tool again and do the same.

After that, use the magic wand tool and do the same thing. It will turn out like this.

Then, just drag it to the other clipboard by using the move tool.

Here you go. Two images already been selected. You can do the same for the other images as well.

I forgot to show you guys on how to drag it to another clipboard. Sorry for that. No worries, I'll show it here.
After you have done selecting the image, just create a new clipboard by going to File<New<International Paper. Then, click on the Arrange Documents icon as shown below and choose whichever style you like.

After choosing the document arrangement, you will have something like this.

Then, just click on the move tool and drag it to the other clipboard. You'll now have 4 images.

Now, I want to duplicate the degree image and rotate it. So, here's something new to learn. Watch and learn. First, select the degree image using the same method and then go to Edit<Transform<Rotate.

After that, now we'll see how to duplicate it. Make sure you select the image first and then, hold ALT on your keyboard and drag the image using the left click on your mouse.

Now we have two degree images!! Isn't that cool? Allright, so you can use the same steps for other images as well. And I had add in another image which is the MMU logo to the selection. Hence, all together I have five images.
I have a rough idea on how to arrange the images for the FOM Open Day design. It will look something like this.

I will add some texts in between the images so stay with me along my journey and we'll see where it goes...

Thank you for your time!

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